How it works?
The secret of operation is found within the core of the COLLOID-A-TRON, its shape, its composition and a combination of pressure changes and turbulence. This operates as a catalyst, causing colloidal particles in the bulk of the solution.
In the water to be treated the hardness salts, when flowing through the COLLOID-A-TRON, are attracted by the galvanic potential at the surface of the core. There colloidal particles form but cannot settle because of the particular shape of the core allied to the combination of turbulence and flow.
The result is that a suspension of colloidal particles within the water is created, thus preventing the formation of scale on heat exchanger walls. It has been known that systems already scaled prior to installation, have had this scale loosened and dissolved over a period by the COLLIOD-A-TRON, due to changes in the environment.
Without application of COLLOID-A-TRON : Compact and hard calcium carbonate scale.
With the application of COLLOID-A-TRON, scale is prevented and removed, becoming soft and powdery and forming sludge.