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Maruti Udyog Ltd., a Government of India Undertaking, manufactures Maruti Cars, Vans, & Jeeps under collab-oration of The Suzuki Motor Car Co.Japan,at Gurgaon. Haryana.


The Corporate Office at 11th floor, Jeewan Prakash Building. 25 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi, is centrally air-conditioned by 12 x 7 TR Packaged AC Units. The freon condensors are cooled through a central water circuit and the water is recirculated through a 100 TR FRP Coofing Tower.

The cooling water is taken from a bore well and has the following analysis:

                                                                                                               pH .     : 7.8

                                                                                 Total Dissolved Solids .  : 5800ppm.

                                                                                             Total Hardness .  : 2185 ppm.

                                                                                        Calcium Hardness .  : 1105ppm.

                                                                                  Magnesium Hardness .  : 1080 ppm.

                                                                                               Total Alkalinity .  : 254 ppm.

                                                                                                        Chlorides .  : 2352 ppm.

                                                                                                        Sulphates .  : 1075 ppm.


As the water was very hard, tough white scale formation. was observed thereby necessitating frequent descaling. The water being too hard for treatment by softening. it was being treated by chemical dosing since March'86.


In order to prevent the formation of hard water scale depositing on heat transfer surfaces. a 4" COLLOID-A-TRON was installed on the main header and a 3/4" COLLOID-A-TRON was installed on the make-up line on 12.7.87

On installation of COLLOID-A-TRONs the chemical dosings were discontinued and performance was closely monitored. The raw water and the recirculation water was analysed regularly to ascertain any deposition of scale in the system. and the head pressure was closely monitored There was no increase in the head pressure during the period. The concentration level in the Cooling Tower was kept at 2.1 whereby the total hardness of recirculating water went up to 4,600 ppm. In the first week of January, 1988, the equipment was inspected and a section of the pipe was cut open and was found to be free of scale.


Until the COLLOID-A-TRONs were fitted the Company was using expensive chemicals for the prevention of hard water scale in the circuit. Since the installation of COLLOID-A-TRON the Maintenance Department has discontinued the use of chemicals thereby saving not only direct chemical cost of approximately Rs. 5,000/-per month. but also labour costs of dosing, monitoring and maintenance.

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