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The answer

COLLOID-A-TRON provides the ideal solution of hard water treatment problems. It eliminates the use of chemicals; has no moveable parts; requires no maintenance or energy consumption; and is non-sacrificial.

COLLOID-A-TRON is the world leader in non-chemical water treatment and has been widely tested. The carbonate salts in the water are physically modified while remaining in the water having flowed over the COLLOID-A-TRON.

Thus the water is not softened and, consequently, does not become corrosive. The chemical composition of water remains unchanged after passing over the COLLOID-A-TRON.

The side photographs shows a considerable reduction in the section after 3 years in use. The 1Omm. thickness of scale is mainly composed of calcium carbonate and associated magnesium oxide and silicates. The iron oxide content is very low. The lower photographs shows a pipe section from a Circuit in which COLLOID-A-TRON was installed for 3years.

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